Ellen: Absolutely not! There is no age limit for breast augmentation. Pregnancy and breast feeding take a toll on your breasts and as estrogen starts to decline in our thirties there is a gradual decrease in breast tissue. You deserve to feel confident about your breasts no matter what age you are. It can be hard to find the time in your thirties with young children. We see plenty of women in their forties and beyond for breast augmentation.
Q: "Along with my breasts shrinking they are also two different sizes. Is there anything that can be done about this?"
Ellen: Breast asymmetry is extremely common. So many women come to see me with this issue and feel self conscious in tight fitting clothing and bathing suits. You don’t have to live with mismatched breast! . I can come up with a plan of action during your consultation that will work best for you. Whether this is filling implants with different volumes or combining breast augmentation with an additional procedure, I can get you to the balanced look you desire.
Q: "How will I know what size of implants to choose??"
Ellen: There are many considerations when choosing an implant size. Your height, build, chest diameter body fat and goals are all factors that play into the decision. Your decision making will be made easy because I’ll give you all the information you’ll need to make YOUR best choice. Plus, trying on the actual implants will give you an idea how they will look and feel! Very exciting for everyone!
Don’t forget to bring along a tight fitting top to get an idea how the implants will look, in and out, of clothing!
Q: "I work out and and participate in bikini competitions a few times a year. I’m considering breast augmentation and want to know the “pros and cons” of putting the implant below or above the muscle."
Ellen: Breast augmentation is a great option for women with very little body fat. The good news is that you can continue lifting weights with the implants in either position. When implants are placed below the muscle you may see some shift in the implant with pectoral muscle work BUT in this position, there is more soft tissue covering the implant, so they take on a more natural shape. When the implants are placed above the muscle, the shape of implant is much more obvious (more round), BUT you don’t feel any shift in the muscle when working the pectoral muscle. I think we can sort this out at your consultation when I can see your natural build, no worries!