Ask Ellen about Aging Over 50! - Ellen Mahony, MD

131 Kings Highway North
Westport, Connecticut, 06880

Mon, Wed, Fri: 9AM – 5PM
Tues, Thurs: 9AM – 6PM



Ask Ellen about Aging Over 50!

by Ellen Mahony

Q:  “I just turned 50 and it’s not my imagination…my waistline is thicker! I’m eating less…doing tons of crunches–nothing’s working. Help!”

Ellen:  Oh brother, that “thickening” is a topic close to my heart- and waist. First of all, I applaud you for choosing to stick to your “size!”  And here’s the deal:  eating less food and doing more cardio isn’t going to cut it. Your metabolism has ‘downsized’ as a side effect of the overall aging process. Plus, your estrogen levels are low. The double whammy is that you now have less muscle mass to burn calories and a greater capacity to store fat. I’ll be talking more about this January topic on Facebook (ellenmahony and ellenmahonymd). The GOOD NEWS is that there are simple things you can do on your own:  eat more protein, less fat and less carbs. Drink more water! Don’t do more cardio, start lifting weights!!  It’s all about the muscle. You need to build more muscle to stay functional AND to burn more calories.  Once you’ve embraced these adjustments, you still have the ability to tweak problem areas with a tummy tuck  or liposuction to be rid of that dreaded ledge and tighten up your waistline!  Great way to jump start your New Year and… enjoy a $avings!

Q:  “Hey Ellen!  I think I looked pretty good til 40 but now all I see in the mirror are these hooded eyelids and a parade of brown spots across my wrinkled face.  I look haggard and feel worse.  What’s going on and what can I do?? HELP!”

Ellen:  Believe me when I tell you:  I know exactly how you feel!  This aging process is not for the faint of heart…

Keep in mind that your Estrogen levels are on the decline. The reduced levels of this hormone have a broad impact on our skin. Collagen production is reduced, the blood supply is less robust and regulation of the melanocytes (pigment producing skin cells) is dysfunctional. What this means for us is that we develop folds of thin skin around our eyes and an excess of brown pigment in our skin- particularly in sun exposed areas. But the GOOD NEWS is that you can fight back and make some improvements. You should come in and let me introduce you to our excellent line of pharmaceutical skin care products to manage your day to day needs. And, let’s talk about how an eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) and chemical peel can freshen your look! Take the first step to a New You and enjoy $avings!


131 Kings Highway North, Westport, Connecticut, 06880


*Individual Results May Vary
Copyright 2019 Ellen A. Mahony, MD, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ellen Mahony specializes in breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, tummy tuck, liposuction, face lift and eyelid surgery. Her office is located in Westport and serves Fairfield, Bridgeport, Norwalk, New Canaan, Ridgefield, Shelton, Darien, Redding and Monroe.

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